The Cunning of Geist
Gregory Novak explores philosophy, psychology, and science with an emphasis on Hegel. For seekers and scholars alike.
81 episodes
081 - The Fermi Paradox - Are We Alone in the Universe? Can Rationality Ever be Alone?
It is estimated that over 2 billion stars in our own Milky Way galaxy have planets orbiting them that could sustain life. Are we on planet Earth a lottery winner, a one in 2 billion chance for establishing life and intelligent beings?&nbs...
080 - Is There a God? - Creation, Becoming, and the Fate of the Universe
"Creation ex nihlilo (creation out of nothing) or "Ex nihilo nihil fit" (from nothing comes from nothing)?The notion of a creator God is fundamental to Western religions. But is it true? The opening of Genesis in the Hebrew ...
079 - Using Hegel's Triad as a Model for Success
Hegel's "triad" of Being, Nothing, and Becoming are central to his ontology. And it can also be used as a framework for personal achievement. This episode explains how. The Being/Nothing/Becoming dialectic comes first i...
078 - Jung's Synchronicity: Demonstrating the Mental/Physical Unity of the Cosmos
Hegel famously said in his Phenomenology of Spirit, "Everything turns on grasping and expressing the True, not as Substance, but equally as Subject." (Miiler trans., ¶17). That the true - truth - is equally substance and subject. &n...
077 - The Journey Not the Destination: The Case for Universal Purposeful Evolution
Does Spirit evolve? How about God?And what exactly does the term panentheism mean?This episode takes a deep dive into process philosophy, process theology, and the evolutionary nature of "becoming." T...
076 - Language Games: Wittgenstein, Hegel, and the Split in Philosophy
Wittgenstein is often mention as the most influential philosopher of the 20th century. His focus on the meaning of words became an integral part of the so-called "Analytic" branch of the discipline. The later Wittgenst...
075 - A Matter of Life & Death: How Philosophy Underpins Politics, Law, Science, and Morality.
Is philosophy just mental masturbation? Nothing but air?Many today see no value in philosophy because there seems to be little agreement among philosophers on anything, and much of what they say seems to have little or no impact o...
074 - Is the Unconscious Mind Real or Fantasy? - B.F. Skinner, Freud, & Hegel
The behaviorism of B.F. Skinner took the psychology world by storm. His 1971 book "Beyond Freedom and Dignity" was hailed as the most important psychological publication of the 20th century. And this was from someone who denied mind...
073 - Who Needs Philosophy? - You Do!
Developing one's own philosophy of life can be one of the most rewarding experiences. ll can serve as the basis for a productive and happy experience in this world. What many don’t realize is that our beliefs, values, and actions ...
072 - Pillars of the Collective Unconscious: How Jung's Feminine & Masculine Archetypes Manifest in the Psyche and Brain
This episode explores psychologist Carl Jung's conception of the psyche, from the ego and the persona it shows to the world, down through the personal and collective shadow, finally reaching the two core archetypes of the collective uncon...
071 - Perception & Memory - the Mind/Body Link: A Look to Bergson, Jung, & Hegel
The duality of Mind and Body has been debated for millennia. This has resulted in two polarized camps - Realists vs. Idealists. Realists contend that there is a world existing out there whether we are here or not, whether we are obs...
070 - The "I" in Me & You: Identity, Freedom, and Oneness
Can't we all just get along? The world today is increasing fractious. The Electronic Age has fueled a return to tribalism, as the individualistic linear emphasis of the print age gave way to finding identity though emotionally conne...
069 - Artificial Intelligence (AI): Oxymoron or the Next Level of Consciousness?
Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google parent company Alphabet, has said that artificial intelligence (AI) could have a more profound effect on humanity than fire and electricity. Quite a statement.New AI technologies are being produc...
068 - Jung's Personality Types & Hegel: Operating Manual for the Mind
The great psychologist Carl Jung was a leading pioneer in psychological type analysis. In fact, he coined the terms "extrovert" and "introvert." His work spawned a whole industry of personality analysis which is as strong today as e...
067 - Dawkins' Selfish Gene vs. Hegel's Geist: No Contest!
Biologist Richard Dawkins is the poster child for the materialist doctrine and the new atheism. His paradigm boils down to a mechanical replicator, that somehow appeared by chance, which no one can explain how (a miracle?), that goes by t...
066 - Kierkegaard vs. Hegel: The Existentialism/Absolute Idealism Debate
19th century Danish theologian and philosopher Søren Kierkegaard was a towering figure not only in philosophy and religion, but in psychology as well. He is commonly considered to be the father of Existentialism, with the importance he pl...
065 - America's New Thought Movement and Hegel
America went through a profound spiritual awakening in the 19th century, most commonly referred to as "New Thought." Many leaders at this time credited Hegel for laying the groundwork. This episode explores several of the earl...
064 - Free Speech & Society: the Internet Age & Hegel
Free speech is of course linked to freedom. And freedom is the cornerstone of Hegel's philosophy. Today free speech is an issue with respect to social media platforms, which are used by literally billions of people over the ...
063 - Spirit: Hegel's God? An Exploration.
The word "spirit" has so many connotations. Per the thesaurus: character, courage, energy, enthusiasm, essence, heart, humor, life, mood, morale, quality, resolve, temperament, vigor, vitality, warmth, and will. Hegel had a differe...
062 - What's Your Paradigm? Comparing Kuhn's Philosophy of Science with Hegel
The term "paradigm "and "paradigm shift" were made famous by Thomas Kuhn in his landmark 1962 book, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". Steven Covey describes a paradigm as "frames of reference, worldviews, . . through which...
061 - Is the Universe Cyclical? - The Big Bang, Penrose, & Hegel
Hegel saw the Absolute metaphorically as a "circle of circles" (SL, pg. 842, Miller trans.). He also said philosophy itself "forms a circle" (PR, Wood, ed., Nisbet trans., pg. 26, ¶2).Yet religions sees a creation event in o...
060 - Bergson, Duration, Time, and Hegel
It is said that French philosopher Henri Bergson was the best known philosopher in his day during the early 20th century. In fact, when giving a lecture in New York City, he caused the first traffic jam the city had ever seen. <...
059 - Meditation, Nothingness, Buddhism, and Hegel
To me, the goal of meditation is to escape the left-brain world of analyzing, breaking things down, either/or judgmental thinking, and to get in touch with life itself. Thoughts tend to come to the foreground, but there remains a backgro...
058 - Hegel's Becoming: What it Means, Why it's Unique, and Why it Matters
"Becoming" is addressed very early in Hegel's Science of Logic. And it provides a foundation for all that follows in his project. But the concept of becoming is much more than an abstract philosophical term. It is the foundati...
057 - Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People, & Vice-Versa? - Hegel's Theodicy
"Good and evil" is a core philosophic and religious issue. Perhaps the most important issue. Where did this concept originate? Why do we often see God, or Karma, as seeking retribution and causing our misfortunes?