The Cunning of Geist
The Cunning of Geist
067 - Dawkins' Selfish Gene vs. Hegel's Geist: No Contest!
Biologist Richard Dawkins is the poster child for the materialist doctrine and the new atheism. His paradigm boils down to a mechanical replicator, that somehow appeared by chance, which no one can explain how (a miracle?), that goes by the name "gene." He sees us all as mere robots, zombies, propagating the gene's replication.
The materialist doctrine stands on three assumptions - that all is matter, that the laws of nature are fixed, with us from the beginning, and that there is no inherent purpose in matter. While this may be true for matter, what about Mind?
Materialists use their doctrine as a sword against religion and philosophy. Yet their paradigm is misguided. There is a huge difference between being true and not being proven false. Hegel showed how matter and mind are combined, both a part of Geist, Spirit, and are one fundamentally. This episode explores the many problems with the pure materialist doctrine.