The Cunning of Geist
The Cunning of Geist
071 - Perception & Memory - the Mind/Body Link: A Look to Bergson, Jung, & Hegel
The duality of Mind and Body has been debated for millennia. This has resulted in two polarized camps - Realists vs. Idealists. Realists contend that there is a world existing out there whether we are here or not, whether we are observing it or not, whether we are thinking about it or not. Idealists contend that ultimately only Mind exists, and the physical world around us is just an illusion, an unreal fantasy of the Mind.
But there is a third camp. Many mistakenly classify Hegel as an Idealist, However, he actually proposed a tripartite system with Mind and Nature coming together and evolving in one process of Becoming. He referred to this as the historical advance of Spirit.
Interestingly, Bergson postulated a way that Mind and Body are linked through perception and memory. As did Jung, with his collective unconscious. This episode explores this topic in depth.